Thursday, April 28, 2005

War Soldier

War Soldier
Originally uploaded by davidvw.
Hi, this is T.J. This is a picture of me. I called it "War Soldier" because I like the name, and that actually is a war coat I am wearing. It was for my History Project. I really liked the project. It was fun doing it. We did a guessing game about my Grandmother, there was a picture on the right side of her and Grandpa. She was at the History Fair people had to guess her name. My project was on World War II, and how my Great Grandfathers Fought in it. If you have questions you can ask me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy,
Tj this looks really interesting. How long did it take you to make this? It looks like you put a lot of time into it. Is that your great grandfathers clothes?

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